Sentiment for Scenery

Sentiment for Scenery

Sentiment for Scenery

时间:2008-10-06 11:38:55 来源:卓克艺术网 张郁葱

评论 >Sentiment for Scenery

 By Hujie  08/2007
We can probably float our imagination to experience the pleasure of hollow spirit and wandering, which is walking on the consciousness for memory and reviewing. This is a kind of recognition, acquiescence and beautification. Furthermore, the exchange of the scenery can be regarded as the key of each story and the plot, atmosphere which the journey must indicate. In the change of such story, people wandering have the temporary identity and relevant experience, all of which actually can be ignored in reading .No one cares about the reason why all these roaming figures roam, but the scenery in which people travel becomes more attractive because of the arrival of people. This is the characteristic and meaning that we regard the paintings of Dacong as the scenery. If we are unfortunately deep in the thought, it is not something relaxing. This is not the responsibilities of Scenery; neither can it be the place of the fantastic roamers.
Dacong is very reminiscent, even the dreams are all about past memory and self-consolation. His walking series is earnest and the judgment on people are based on the simpleness and complication, so the passing series are the painting about Dacong’s dreamy journey and also provide an opportunity for us to travel with. We are looking forward to more attractive scenery in Dacong’s painting and we begin to look for our own dreamland that doesn’t exist.
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