The last phases of future

The last phases of future

The last phases of future

时间:2008-10-28 16:44:16 来源:

评论 >The last phases of future

Made by computer software
Made in the year of 2007, in general speaking,It tells the loneliness of the life in the universe,sense of alienation and the occasionality of encounter.
This animation is using a different way than the way I use before.——which is to stipulate an motif before I started working on it. This short animation I wish it to be made. I was following the music which is a piece of electronic music made by my friend. I found myself really fall into this music, it gave the sence of a kind of remote warmness, coming from the universe,the space beyond the atmosphere. I can not help but associate the feeling with our status in daily life. Bustling, noisy, hustle and bustles, on the other side of the corn, is the desolate lonesome and desolation.
The first part of the animation shows the different worlds, the second part shows that they are all floating platforms or islands in the dark universe. I use a small plat which is an animal jumping in between two islands to explain why that a same role could appear to different sites.
There is a little girl in the film. She is a role that passing through all my works, animation , oil-painting and drawing. She is like a half myself and half ideal figure. She is living in the fictitious virtual world, in “the last phases of  the future”, she has a gorgeous island as her “home” and foundations, there she has even her own Sun, after swimming in the haning pool on the bottom of her island, her could dry and warm herself by her own sunshine. It is a metaphor of
Independent and complete characteristic,  to stand along. So she could enjoy solitary , the eternal theme in life.
How much we under control and what we can do to the contingency…
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