非正统、反客观 | 浡君的艺术臆想(《徐浡君》出版)

非正统、反客观 | 浡君的艺术臆想(《徐浡君》出版)

非正统、反客观 | 浡君的艺术臆想(《徐浡君》出版)

日期:2017-02-13 15:42:19 来源:卓克艺术网

美术 >非正统、反客观 | 浡君的艺术臆想(《徐浡君》出版)









  Xu Bojun, living in Yunnan - the South ofCloud, is indeed affected by the intense colors released by the blue sky, whitecloud and red land there, and shows the gorgeous beauty of nature full of liferhyme through painting. Seeing his oil paintings and woodblock prints since2009 including four series - k.s.t., Out-of-print Colored Woodcut,m.y.f. and Butterfly's Love, we will feel the color and melodywhich contains the fragrance of soil on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau and releasesthe strong contrast tune. Just after seeing these painting works, we will fallin love with Yunnan without hesitation and just because of these paintingworks, we will be curious to know more about this artist who is good at usingcolors. That is because he deeply moves and infects us with his paintbrush andgraver.

  In his works, there are no famous mountains and great rivers or places of historicinterest in Yunnan, but just ordinary rural villages, industrial plants, mixedflowers in bottle or outdoor wild flowers - The rich natural features andcolorful ethnic customs are not the objects of Xu Bojun’s works. He is uniquein selecting perspective, and has a simple and unadorned eyesight and a sharpeye for details -- When showing the beauty of Yunnan coming from the gifts ofnature, he does not represent the skimming surface, but focuses on the detailsin daily life. In his paintings, landscape is not to show the beauty of nature,but the imagery expression after the nature is internalized. Therefore, it isnot crucial to draw what scenery or what kind of scene. In recent years, he hasalternately created works of four themes at the same time, which shows thatwhat is important is his unconventional plainness and reverence towards nature,his great enthusiasm for any corner of the surroundings, no matter the work ofnature or artificial works. More importantly, he can find a lot from theordinary and disorder, imagine boldly and decisively and skillfully transformthe imagination into creative visual images.

  Thus,in K.S.T. series, we can see that heused two different colors and tunes and painting ways to show the village andpool in the same perspective within 20 days (Wei Bo Yi) —— The former is bright in colors, concise, clear androbust, while the latter is rich in color, unrestrained, dancing and lively. XuBojun less represented and depicted the unique residential cultural landscapethan repeatedly dug and showed his inner imagination of the scene before hiseyes. We can also find the same situation in m.y.f. Series: In a fewdays from October to November in 2014, he painted Kunming Iron and Steel Planto which he was familiar. The works were more and more unrestrained; the colorswere simpler and simpler and bolder and bolder. And in the last work No. 6 Caopu Kunming Iron and Steel Plant, the chimney of the plant was extremelydeformed like twisted debris after destruction. 

  Therefore,in Xu Bojun’s works, painting is not to represent the natural form of theobject, but to present the inner life that eyes can not see and reach and callpeople to respect these organic and inorganic natural things or artificialarticles through the surface feature of objects. Thus, the wild mixed flowersgrow in image and become strange in colors -- All of these depend on thesubjective discovery, active transformation and self-interpretation -- Beautylies in more people’s discovery than nature; life does not only exist innature, but also exist because of people’s endowment. In the Out-of-printColored Woodcut, the landscape flowers were not just pulled out from thegrowing environment and gazed coldly like the traditional still life, but weresurrounded and set off by rich images on the background composed of variouscolor blocks and structures; they interspersed, overlapped and mutuallyaffected, and jointly created a dazzling and interesting visual image. 

  Xu Bojun’s sensitivity to color benefits from his hometown Yunnan, but hisunderstanding, use and expression of color benefits from his deep understandingof painting purpose and significance - painting what the eyes can not see andcarving the self-transformed images; and such paintings are the closest to one’s soul.







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