
日期:2020-12-17 10:00:47 来源:卓克艺术网

名家 >华裔美国艺术家赵开霖作品发布


华裔美国艺术家赵开霖,1961 年出⽣于中国安徽蚌埠,幼年时即展现出非凡的艺术天赋, 1991 年毕业于北京中央美术学院油画研修班。东⻄⽅的⽣活经历和对⻄⽅艺术融合与创新观念的汲取,令他在传统写实主义画家中独树⼀帜,⽽近年其抽象表现主义作品系列, 更以独具魅⼒的形象和视觉精神传达,展⽰出对当代架上艺术创作全新的思考。与他个⼈ 同时具有东⽅哲学和⻄⽅创新观念⼀样,他的创作也始终能游刃有余地将这两种不同⻛格付诸实践。


30 年经典写实绘画创作为他赢得了国际赞誉,但赵开霖并不⽌步于此,他在当代艺术发 展与创新实践中对时代性的哲学观念进⾏新的探索,或是展现纤毫毕现的灵魂撞击,或是 试图在作品中建立情感与现实理智关系的交流、探讨⼈与⼴阔现实的融合与对话。在他近 年的抽象表现主义创作中,他意图表现思维状态中原动灵魂的每⼀个细节,以丰富微妙的 ⾊彩层叠交织表达时间⻓河,真实却⼜虚幻的场景中打破⼈们视觉习惯上所形成的真实现 象的必然性,以抽象的⾊彩语⾔传递了⼀个清新⽽脱俗的世界。

About Artist 

American Chinese artist Kailin Zhao was born in 1961 in Bengbu, Anhui province, China, and had exhibited remarkable artistic talent since a young age. In 1991 Kailin graduated from the prestigious Beijing Central Art Academy, the oil painting class. His life experience in the East and the West, his adaptation and absorption of the innovative concept of the Western art, has afforded him a special place among the traditional realism artists. 

Most recently his abstract expressionism series employs mesmerizing imagery and visual spiritual message, and displays his complete innovative interpretation of the traditional easel art. As how he integrates the Eastern Philosophy and the Western Innovation in his personal life, Kailin moves fluidly between these two worlds in his artistic practice.

Kailin’s realism oil paintings return to the unembellished and the natural, and convey the real feelings from the bottom of the heart. His colors are exquisite and delicate, centered around the grey, but fused with infinite subtle changes. Moving away from the staid classical realism, Kailin observes the inner world of his objects to the miniscule, and weighs carefully every detail, every color block, his expressions are nuanced and full of feelings. The ordinary people at first glance come to life under his brush, with poignant vividness. 

This richness comes from the perfect concoction of the artist’s penetrating understanding of the human nature, his deep love for the realistic world, the imprint of his life experience, and the wealth of his cultural origin in China.

30 years’ of creative work in classical realism has garnered Kailin world renown, but he never rests on his Laurels. He continues to explore the novel philosophical concept in modern practice related to the development and innovation of the contemporary art, attempts to capture the subtle conflict of the soul, or the exchange between the feeling and rational world, and explore the continuous dialogue and integration between man and the wide world. In his most recent abstract 

expressionism works, he attempts to capture every nuanced movement of the original power of human mind, using the subtle yet rich layered colors to convey the passage of time. In Kailin’s art, the real and the surreal scenes disrupt people’s habitual tendency for visual solidity, and the abstract colors unfold a world of the fresh and the sublime.


91.5 x 71.1CM


101.6 x 132 cm


106.7 x 132 cm


122 x 132 cm







编辑: 小生
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